While, I don't have children yet, as I get invited to baby showers and Christenings, I want to give gifts that are sustainable, responsibly made, BPA free plastic, wooden, made in the USA and generally good for the children and environment.
Read moreBook Summary and Notes: The Happy Mind
Book Summary and Notes: The Happy Mind by Kevin Horsley and Louis Fourie
Happiness is work.
Do you agree or disagree with that statement?
I had the chance to read and review the book The Happy Mind: A Simple Guide to Living a Happier Life Starting Today by Kevin Horsley and Louis Fourie. This book is about the dynamics of what constitute happiness and I think deep down we all know what these are, but may have forgotten these basic and simple rules in our busy lives and our distracted world.
Read moreHow to Reduce Microplastics from Activewear
Did you know that most workout gear is made out of synthetic materials that sheds in the wash releasing small particles of plastic into the water system and eventually into our rivers and oceans? These are called microplastics or microfibers that have a diameter smaller than a human hair. Sadly, these are everywhere and have been found in bottled water.
Read moreLongevity Diet: Championing a Sustainable Diet
Longevity Diet: Championing a Sustainable Diet
What did you do when you learned the truth about eating animals?
This is going to be a tough post to write, but I am going to attempt to do so as I believe it will help me understand all of the views around eating meat and where I stand. It's not that I've been avoiding the topic. It's just that this is a complex topic and I have been trying to wrap my brain around it. You see, I don't have a problem eating meat. Growing up in the Philippines, I've seen animals get butchered for food. I've witnessed chickens and pigs being raised only to be killed for a special event, mostly for a fiesta celebration. When this happened, we would be eating parts of that animal for days on end.
Read moreTop Apps for Your 2018 New Year's Resolutions
Resolutions require only words. Results require action.
One of the reasons why I started this blog was to keep myself accountable for all of the personal projects I was doing. My goal was to complete a monthly project related to optimal health, the environment, minimalism and so many others. So today, I want to go over the top 8 apps that have allowed me to complete a lot of projects. I hope they will help you live more optimally in the New Year. These apps allow a lot of tracking and make reaching small incremental goals more of a game. The data also encourages you to analyze which action is going well versus not. Without further ado, here are the Top 8 Apps I currently recommend. For less than $50 for the New Year, you can find
Read moreSurvival Tips for Your First Multi-Day Fast From a First Timer
Instead of medicine, fast for a day.
This weekend I completed my first fast ever. The experience was easier than I thought. With nothing but water and 2 cups of bone broth, I broke my fast at hour 57. Here's why I did it, how and some of my best practices.
Read more100 Minimal and Zero Waste Things To Do In Winter
On the heels of my 100 Things To Do In the Fall, I thought I would also do a list for the Winter and probably for the other two seasons. I've loved every minute of Fall this year. The weather was slightly milder to begin with so we were able to enjoy most of it outside. So without further ado, my list of 100 Things To Do In the Winter. Do you have anything to add to the list? Let me know in the comments below.
Read morePlastic Free Crock-Pot Yogurt
Ever since I read 10% Human, I've been slightly obsessing about eating good pre and probiotics food. I've noticed a significant difference in the way I feel when ingesting probiotic-rich food or taking the probiotic supplement. After a few trial and errors, I think I've finally perfected the crock-pot yogurt recipe. With this recipe, you can significantly reduce the amount of plastic you use from yogurt consumption. It's a fairly hands-off process, but does require a few hours of attention. Here's how I normally make plastic free crock-pot yogurt.
Read moreProduct Review: Keto Coffee Power Creamer from Omega
Medium hazelnut iced coffee please, light and sweet!
This used to be how I drank my coffee years ago. While I don't drink coffee daily, the times I would go to Dunkin Donuts and order a drink that was majority sugar was pretty often. My body and tastes buds got used to the taste. Fast forward a few years later and my husband and I are on the paleo diet for the first time during our first year doing Crossfit. Boy, was that an eye opening year for us in terms of health, diet, and nutrition. It was also the first time we started drinking coffee black. It took some getting used to, but eventually we sucked it up and started preferring our coffee black. Another year later and we then started getting introduced to this concept of "bulletproof" coffee. I, personally, didn't understand what all the fuss was about, but it helped reduced the bitterness of the coffee so we continued that route.
Read moreZero Waste Snacks Ideas
Zero Waste Snacks
Don't stand between me and my snacks or you will get hurt. Just kidding!
This summer, we've had a chance to hit the beach almost every weekend. Every time I'm at the beach, I always crave salty snacks. Alas, most of these snacks come in packaging that is hard to recycle. I've succumbed to temptation a few times and bought chips, but promised myself to do better. So I've been experimenting and trying to figure out the best zero waste snacks to make to bring to the beach. Here's my list. These are also great to make for school, for camping and for a party like the Super Bowl.
Read morePaleo Filipino Coconut Macaroons
One of my favorite Filipino desserts: coconut macaroons. This version is paleo so no condensed milk, no refined sugar, no dairy, no soy, no eggs, no wheat, but just as tasty!
Read morePaleo, Keto, No MSG Pork Rinds (Filipino Chicharrones)
Pork. Fried. Skins. A classic take on the Filipino chicharrones. These pork rinds have no MSG, are keto and paleo friendly.
Read morePaleo, Gluten Free, Dairy Free Cassava Cake
Paleo, sugar free, gluten free cassava cake. A classic Filipino dessert. Enjoy it without the guilt.
Read moreWhy I Love The 7-Minute Workout
Why I love the 7-minute workout? Because it's 7 minutes. ;)
Read morePaleo Filipino Avocado Popsicle Ice Candy
Sugar free, paleo and whole30 compliant Filipino avocado popsicles. Made with good fats and no sugar or dairy. Inspired by Filipino avocado ice candy.
Read moreForce Yourself Into Scarcity: Why Hunger Is OK
When was the last time you truly felt hungry?
In the same way that waste is due to our chronic consumption, many of life threatening diseases in today's society is also due to our chronic consumption. The problem for many of us is that we never feel hunger. When was the last time you truly felt hungry? Probably never. For many of us living in the western world, food is accessible, regardless of whether it's determined as good or bad, food products are everywhere. This abundance means that our bodies adapt to being constantly fed and full. Think about your daily commute. How many restaurants do you see? How many opportunities to you see to purchase and get food? It's endless!
Read more8 No Egg Breakfast Ideas (Whole30, Paleo or Keto Friendly)
8 No Egg Breakfast Ideas (Whole30, Paleo or Keto Friendly)
Sleep is a time machine to breakfast. Who doesn't like that?
After doing whole30 and paleo resets a few times, one thing I grew tired of quickly were eggs. There were just so easy to make and since we always had a few in the fridge, they were easy to turn to, but one can only have eggs so many ways.
8 no egg breakfast ideas that are whole30, paleo or keto compliant.
Read moreMicrobes and Probiotics for Better Health
Microbes are good for us. Did you know that?
I've been reading and posting a lot about microbes because I believe that it's now one of the most important thing there is about our health. We will find a good amount of research about what this kind of food does this and that, but what's come to light in the past few years is that we have been destroying an important aspect of our body, our microbiome. There's a lot of new research that's found that the use of broad spectrum antibiotics to treat anything and everything, the use of antibiotics in our food and new medical procedures is causing and leading to a new kind of illnesses and diseases. Read more about that here.
Read more3 Simple Mindful Techniques Besides Meditation
3 Ways to Be More Mindful Besides Meditation
What does it mean to be mindful?
Simply, it's awareness of the present moment. Meditation is a popular way to practice being mindful, though there are some key differences with mediation and mindfulness. The point is to recognize what you are doing, where you are and who you are with. The best way to do that is to simply slow down, but of course that is always easier said than done in our always on-the-go society. I've found that being mindful is really about forgoing the default. It's turning off the auto-pilot and steering the car itself. Here are other ways you can help the mind be more mindful.
Read moreIs Waste-to-Energy the Solution to Our Trash?
What exactly is waste-to-energy and is it the solution to our ever consuming and trash generating society?
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