Coffee, then adulting.
I don't describe myself as a coffee addict. I can make it through many days without drinking coffee. Most days, I only drink half a cup, but regardless coffee remains a staple in our household. My husband drinks it everyday and my husband and I go on coffee dates often. We've tried all kinds of ways to drink coffee: pour over, French press, espresso machine, and instant (occasionally) so I thought I would break down what each one takes and how you can reduce your waste.
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Medium hazelnut iced coffee please, light and sweet!
This used to be how I drank my coffee years ago. While I don't drink coffee daily, the times I would go to Dunkin Donuts and order a drink that was majority sugar was pretty often. My body and tastes buds got used to the taste. Fast forward a few years later and my husband and I are on the paleo diet for the first time during our first year doing Crossfit. Boy, was that an eye opening year for us in terms of health, diet, and nutrition. It was also the first time we started drinking coffee black. It took some getting used to, but eventually we sucked it up and started preferring our coffee black. Another year later and we then started getting introduced to this concept of "bulletproof" coffee. I, personally, didn't understand what all the fuss was about, but it helped reduced the bitterness of the coffee so we continued that route.
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I've been playing around with bulletproof coffee. I'm not normally a coffee drinker. An espresso or two a week. This week, I was craving hot chocolate so badly so I made hot chocolate with unsweetened cocoa powder and hot water. It smelled delicious, but it does not taste the same at all. So I played around and came up with this recipe for Bulletproof Coffee Mocha.
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