Top 10 Places for Secondhand Baby Gear, Clothes & Toys

From my experience and probably from every other parent out there, children go through clothing quickly so spending a lot of money on clothes that rarely get worn is not worth it. Think about the COST PER WEAR/USE when buying an item. How much use will you get out of it for the price that you pay? The past few months I’ve learned where to find the best secondhand baby clothes and I’ve listed them below. Buying secondhand is a great way to save money and save resources in the end.

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Eco-Friendly Baby Toys & Gifts

While, I don't have children yet, as I get invited to baby showers and Christenings, I want to give gifts that are sustainable, responsibly made, BPA free plastic, wooden, made in the USA and generally good for the children and environment.

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Podcast Interview: How Pursuing Financial Independence and Sustainable Living Go Hand in Hand - Journey to Launch

I had the wonderful opportunity to sit down and chat with Jamila Souffrant of Journey to Launch to talk about financial independence and sustainable living. It’s been nice to be able to spread the message about my two passions: pursuing financial independence and living a more sustainable life. We talked about zero waste, investing and why we also need to think about the future state of our planet for our children’s future.

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