Approach the new year with the resolve to find the new opportunities hidden in each new day. - Michael Josephson
So for years, I made resolutions. I would spend time writing them in nice paper and frame them to sit by my desk or where I could see them everyday. The problem was that my resolutions were very generic. It didn’t have enough substance and they always were the same every year. After reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin a year or two ago, I’ve moved on to making Personal Commandments instead. These are items that I can do everyday to make my daily life just slightly better. Over time, these have compounded as daily habits and have resulted in more meaningful changes than I anticipated. So this year, I want to share my Personal Commandments. The key to this list is that it’s personal to me. It’s what I know and want to do on a daily basis. It’s the things that bring a smile to my face.
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