Survival Tips for Your First Multi-Day Fast From a First Timer

Instead of medicine, fast for a day.

This weekend I completed my first fast ever. The experience was easier than I thought. With nothing but water and 2 cups of bone broth, I broke my fast at hour 57.  Here's why I did it, how and some of my best practices.

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Force Yourself Into Scarcity: Why Hunger Is OK

When was the last time you truly felt hungry?

In the same way that waste is due to our chronic consumption, many of life threatening diseases in today's society is also due to our chronic consumption. The problem for many of us is that we never feel hunger. When was the last time you truly felt hungry? Probably never. For many of us living in the western world, food is accessible, regardless of whether it's determined as good or bad, food products are everywhere. This abundance means that our bodies adapt to being constantly fed and full. Think about your daily commute. How many restaurants do you see? How many opportunities to you see to purchase and get food? It's endless!

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