“Innovation is taking two things that already exist and putting them together in a new way.”
The Zero Waste community continues to impress me. I’ve learned so much from people who are thinking out of the box and finding new ways to use things to reduce waste and extend the life of things. While I’ve been trying to reduce my social media usage (trying!), it’s been through social media that I’ve found the best tips for reducing waste. A refreshing change since most of media pushes you to buy something new. So without further ado, here’s a list of my favorite zero waste hacks from my favorite ZW IGers. Of course this list is not comprehensive and will probably require a follow-up at one point or another. I also want to point out that someone else may have come up with the idea in the first place so credit goes out to them also. It will be nearly impossible for me to trace the origin of the hack so forgive me…but if we also stop to think about it, some of the ideas were probably our grandmother’s anyways.
Using Rubberbands as a Heat Shield (@sustainablesabs)
Having an “Eat Me First” Box in the Fridge to Reduce Food Waste (@rocket_science)
Reusing Yogurt Tubs With the UPC Code Covered for Bulk - Lighter and Less Chance of Breakage (@zerowastedork)
Finding Hair Ties on the Streets - Once you see one, you’ll find them everywhere (@zerowastehome)
Hole Punching Leaves As Compostable Confetti (@zerowastechica)
Infusing All Kinds of Fruit & Vegetables to Make Water Easier to Drink (@_wastelandrebel_)
Using an Old Credit Card to make Guitar Picks (@going.zero.waste)
Making Your Own Large Blocks of Ice Using Stainless Steel Bowls (@zerowastechef)
Adding Cocoa to Get the Right Tint for Zinc Oxide Face Sunscreen (@iquitwaste)
Sharpening Old Razor on Old Denim Jeans (@meredithtested)
Melting Old Crayons on to Thrifted Molds for Something New (@zerowastefail)
Have you used these hacks for yourself? Which one is your favorite? Is there a hack I should add for the next roundup?
“Children are human beings to whom respect is due, superior to us by reason of their innocence and of the greater possibilities of their future.” - Maria Montessori
With our little girl turning 1, I thought I would share with you some of the book that helped us in the first year. There is no shortage of books out there for new parents so this isn’t the most comprehensive list. It’s funny how many of us become parents without formal guidance or education. Many think that parental instincts kick in when the baby is home, but sometimes that’s far from the truth. It helps to be prepared by reading a book or two from people you’ve been there and done that.