Best Places to Sell Your Stuff by Category in 2017

When I did my big de-cluttering project a few months ago, I wanted to make some money off of the stuff I was letting go. I had a lot of things to get rid of from clothes to furniture to electronics and all were in perfectly good condition. I wanted to try to sell it first and see if I could gain back some of the money I had spent on these items. The first thing I realized is that there is a marketplace for anything and everything. The second thing I realize is that you can never get back all of the money you spent buying stuff. This thing called depreciation is actually a real thing. Don't expect to sell your stuff for the same price you paid for it, unless of course it's vintage or a collector's items, but this is rare and should not be counted on.

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Celebrate The Empty Space

An empty space is an opportunity. As you start your minimalism journey, don't be afraid of the empty or blank space.

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The #1 Question To Ask Yourself Before Making Any Purchase

What's the number question to ask yourself before making a purchase? You'd be surprised that it's no longer about the cost of the item, but how it affects how you use your time. Keep this in mind as it will help you save money AND time in the long run.

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5 Decluttering Tips and Best Practices For A More Organized Life

Here are 5 decluttering tips and best practices for a more organized life.  Decluttering your life can lead to better health, more time and more money. 

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Simple, Kid-Friendly Christmas Activities

What are your favorite Christmas activities? These are simple and great Christmas ideas for kids and adults.

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United We Farm: Farmer Veteran Coalition

For November, we are looking at the not-for-profit organization, Farmer Veteran Coalition, which is Mobilizing Veterans to Feed America.  Join or support the cause this Veterans Day.

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Minimalism: The Act of Letting Go

I consider myself a minimalist, even though I still have way too many pairs of shoes and my closet is still a bit full.  Our house still gets cluttered, but the reason I consider myself a minimalist is because today I am more conscious of what I buy, how I use my time and what I choose to do.  Perhaps, it's reaching 30 and being a little bit more mature. Perhaps, it's feeling like I don't want the rest of my 30's to be one big chaotic run around  I want to enjoy people, things and experiences. 

This didn't happen overnight.  In fact, looking back, I was the ultimate consumer.  My weekends would be spent at the mall buying stuff I didn't really need.  My weeknights would be attending events that I didn't want to be at.  It was a lot of saying "YES" for fearing of missing out, for not wanting to offend people, for not wanting to be antisocial, for wanting to be liked.  Over time, I felt all of this was making me tired and utterly fatigued.  I began to slowly let go of things, of unfulfilling relationships, of old habits, and of old perspectives. 

This is a two-part series on what minimalism has meant for me. 

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Read: Buyology Branding Book

Buyology by Martin Lindstrom.  A look into why we buy what we buy.  What marketing and branding methods do companies use to sell us stuff.  What advertising tactics work and don't work. A great branding book.

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Product Review: Update on LUSH Toothy Tabs and Tooth Powder

A review of LUSH Tooth Powder and an update on the new packaging for the Toothy Tabs. Organic, natural, vegan toothpaste.

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Zero Waste: DIY Face Scrub

Transitioning from traditional face scrubs is easy with this zero waste DIY face scrub.  No chemicals, no plastic beads, no waste. Beauty that is chemical free.

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7 Proven Tips for a Happier, Focused Mind

The mind is a powerful thing, but it is constantly bombarded with distractions.  It's time to refocus with these 7 proven methods to help you achieve a happier state of mind.

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Make: Build an Easy, Minimalist Desk This Weekend

Easy minimalist desk that can be built this weekend.  Mid-century modern inspired with hair pin legs and natural wood surface.  Build a desk with these easy instructions.

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