Election 2016: My Bubble Has Burst

I lived in a bubble.  I believed other people wouldn't let a Trump presidency happen.

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Minimalism: The Act of Letting Go

I consider myself a minimalist, even though I still have way too many pairs of shoes and my closet is still a bit full.  Our house still gets cluttered, but the reason I consider myself a minimalist is because today I am more conscious of what I buy, how I use my time and what I choose to do.  Perhaps, it's reaching 30 and being a little bit more mature. Perhaps, it's feeling like I don't want the rest of my 30's to be one big chaotic run around  I want to enjoy people, things and experiences. 

This didn't happen overnight.  In fact, looking back, I was the ultimate consumer.  My weekends would be spent at the mall buying stuff I didn't really need.  My weeknights would be attending events that I didn't want to be at.  It was a lot of saying "YES" for fearing of missing out, for not wanting to offend people, for not wanting to be antisocial, for wanting to be liked.  Over time, I felt all of this was making me tired and utterly fatigued.  I began to slowly let go of things, of unfulfilling relationships, of old habits, and of old perspectives. 

This is a two-part series on what minimalism has meant for me. 

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Harness the Energy of Money

For this month, I will be breaking down the Principles of "The Energy of Money" by Maria Nemeth. It is from 1997, but I find its content still relevant.  Starting next week, I will break down 3 Principles from the book.  Each Principle will ask that you take some action in order to fully harness the "energy of money." Whether we realize it or not, money is prevalent in the 16-20 hours that we are all awake. Money is a very powerful energy that dictates how we live our lives. If we do not acknowledge its power, we are left suffering in its wake.  

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Whole30 The Agile Way: Week 1 Retrospective

Recapping my first week on whole30 with a retrospective on what went well, what did not go well and what could be improved along with a gallery of what I ate and some recipes to try.

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Learn: A Compilation of Product Certifications and Labels

So many labels on our products.  Do you many of these organizations that offer third party auditing for non-GMO, fair trade, organic, vegan, no animal testing, gluten free, etc.?

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Think: What You Do Makes A Difference

I struggled a bit with creating waste some days, but the more I try, the better I become at it.  

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