"Go Green, Live Rich" was written by David Bach. He has 8 other New York Times bestsellers. His philosophy has always been to start small but start early. I think this applies not only to money but to also all of the ways to save money. We can't change all of our bad habits in one day, but we can change them one at a time.
Read moreThe Latte Factor to the Litter Factor
In "Go Green, Live Rich," David Bach introduces us to the "Litter Factor." It is a concept that further elaborates on how small things add up to big things. For example, buying coffee in a disposable single-use cup not only drains you a few dollars each day, it also contributes trash to the environment. Think about all of the coffee you consume, where do those cups go. Some days, you will see them pile up in the corner trash can, other days, you'll see one being swept by the rain and end up in the sewage system and eventually in the rivers. When you start thinking about what you consume, how much it costs you and how much it costs the environment, you start thinking differently.
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