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Product Review: Keto Coffee Power Creamer from Omega

Medium hazelnut iced coffee please, light and sweet!

This used to be how I drank my coffee years ago. While I don't drink coffee daily, the times I would go to Dunkin Donuts and order a drink that was majority sugar was pretty often. My body and tastes buds got used to the taste. Fast forward a few years later and my husband and I are on the paleo diet for the first time during our first year doing Crossfit. Boy, was that an eye opening year for us in terms of health, diet, and nutrition. It was also the first time we started drinking coffee black. It took some getting used to, but eventually we sucked it up and started preferring our coffee black. Another year later and we then started getting introduced to this concept of "bulletproof" coffee. I, personally, didn't understand what all the fuss was about, but it helped reduced the bitterness of the coffee so we continued that route.

If you are not familiar with "bulletproof" or butter coffee, it is basically coffee mixed with grass-fed butter and coconut oil or MCT. It is best blended with a hand mixer, blender or a milk frother for a latte like consistency. We use a hand mixer that an old friend gave us and it works perfectly fine though a bit noisy in the morning which ultimately leads to me yelling at my husband for making so much noise so early in the morning. Side note: There is a company called Bulletproof that makes all of the ingredients for this kind of coffee blend, but we just stick to Kerrygold Grass-Fed Butter and Organic Coconut Oil from Costco.

Found on Etsy by Rhyno Clayworks: wide mouth mugs

My husband drinks a version of bulletproof coffee every day. I say a version because it is loaded with anything and everything he can put in it like nut butters and collagen. For me, I normally stick to the basic butter and coconut oil mix, although when I was doing my February keto project, I loved drinking my version of a Bulletproof Cafe Mocha. Recently, a company reached out to me to try out a ready made Butter Coffee Creamer. Power Creamer sent me a sample of their original All-In-1 Original Blend and of, course, I had to run it through the gamut of my testing.

This post contains affiliate links. See Disclosures for details. I received this product for free, however, all opinions are my own.

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Because part of my goal is to only use natural products as much as possible, I had to ask what it was made of. The ingredients check out. No palm oil. No added sugars. No soy. No other preservatives. No natural/artificial flavors. Easy peasy!

Organic grass-fed ghee, organic virgin coconut oil, MCT oil, sunflower lecithin

Packaging & Application

Second was all about packaging. The product does come in a plastic container of #2 HDPE. It was shipped all in paper so that was a plus in my quest to reduce plastic use. It can be squeezed directly into the coffee which if you have made butter coffee before can be a quite messy. The squeezable containers really makes it easy to get the right amount into your coffee. No more fumbling around for a knife for the butter and a spoon for the coconut oil. It's easy to pour and get the desired amount. That was a win!

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Taste Test

So to the good part. Taste testing. I had my husband test this first. To be as scientific as possible, I made the same exact coffee with the Power Creamer and another cup of coffee with Kerrygold Butter and Organic Coconut Oil. Both blended in the same manner. Both served in similar cups. Both in similar ratios.

1 cup coffee + 1 tbsp Power Creamer Original Blend

1 cup coffee + 1/2 tbsp Kerrygold Butter + 1/2 Organic Coconut Milk

In the end, my husband couldn't tell the difference. I couldn't either!

I did another test of this coffee and added 2 tbsp into my Klean Kanteen 16 ouncer. If you've read some of my past posts, you know I take my Kanteen everywhere and love my smaller one for keeping coffee hot while on the run. I just wanted to test how this would do if I was on-the-go. It worked out well. I really didn't need to blend it, just a couple of vigorous shakes and I was able to get almost close to a consistency as if I had blended it. Best thing about this was that there was no mess, no multiple ingredients to find and get our from the fridge and cupboard. Coffee in, a squeeze of the creamer, a few shakes and I was ready.

Top view of the two butter coffees. Left side is Power Creamer. Right side is the Kerrygold + Organic Coconut oil. Both blended with a hand mixer.

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Side view of the two coffees for comparison. Look at that foam. Top view of the two butter coffees. Left side is Power Creamer. Right side is the Kerrygold + Organic Coconut oil. Both blended with a hand mixer.


So what's the verdict. I actually love the product for the convenience. It would be a great travel product as it requires no refrigeration. If you also only drink butter coffee a few times a week, this could be a good alternative instead of purchasing all of the other ingredients for butter coffee. If you are new to the butter coffee craze, this is a good item to start with before you start experimenting with other concoctions like adding collagen or nut butters. It's $20 so it's around $1 a tbsp which seems a bit pricey, but my thoughts on some of this stuff too is that it is weaning you off of sugar which in the end is the most cost effective thing you can do to improve your health.

I do also want to note that I do subscribe to the low carb, high fat, keto and intermittent fasting mentality so find that this creamer helps with all of that. It's one less decision, one less thing you'll have to do in the morning. So for the convenience and benefit, it's awesome!

I do realize too that it's in plastic and perhaps there could be a better way to package it, but I just find that glass would be too heavy and may not be the most practical.

Check it out for yourself. The best way to see if this is for you is to try it out right? Perhaps make your own Pumpkin Spice Latte. Time to skip all of the artificial stuff anyway. It's doing you no good.

You can buy if off of Amazon or pick it up from and use code "dosomething" to get 15% off.


And let me know what you think.

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